We are happy to announce that we have upgraded our Public Pay / Group Pay module.
The upgrade comes with several benefits including: 

1) Clean and nicer looking payment area for people paying to your account
2) Clean and nicer looking area to view received payments in your client area
3) Set a custom name - Meaning you won't be stuck with displaying your name on the public pay system, you can set an allias or any custom name that people will see!

This change however does mean that the previous Public Pay / Group Pay system will no longer work. 
You will need to get your new Public Pay link and update your websites and other pages where the link is displayed so people can continue to make payments to your account.

To do this, login to your client area and then go here: https://serverblend.com/my/index.php?m=public_pay  

You can also get here by going to Billing > Public Pay in the nav bar: http://prntscr.com/h65my0

On this page you will see your new Public Pay link which you can copy to all the places you would like. 

You can also set a custom name on this page, and see any received payments that come in from today and onwards.

We hope you enjoy this upgrade, if you have any questions at all, please do contact us at support@serverblend.com or open a ticket through your client area. 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

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