Conan has updated to its new Economy and Character Customisation patch. Please ensure you take any relevant backups prior to updating.


This is a mandatory update, which also requires all mods to be updated/cooked in the latest Devkit. If mods are not updated to the latest devkit the mods will cause servers to fail to load or crash on start-up resulting in a (Pid0) error due to the process crash.


Removing mods is optional but not ideal so it will be a case of waiting for developers of mods to update them for the latest update.


We are of course monitoring this and if your unsure do not hesitate to get in touch with our team.


Best regards.

The ServerBlend Team.


Known Issue 1. - Crashes with errors.




Known Issue 1 Possible Fix: Remove the server’s steamapps folder, all mods, backup and delete all the save (.db) files, restart server while validating the installation. Shutdown, restore mods, restore the game/siptah.db, and restarting the server.


Known Issue 2. - Modded De Serialisation errors.

Modded servers stuck in a loop due to deserialization errors

Issue Two Fix 2: Await hotfix from developers that is in the works and ensure all mods are updated to the latest dev kit, updated after 28th October:

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

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